Pam Luer
Nature Sketchbooks
Sep 15 - Sep 20
4 Teaching Days
“Whether I’m out working in the field or in a conservatory filled with plants and flowers, if I want to draw better, I must train myself to see better. To hone my craft requires thoughtful stillness, quiet meditation, and a sincere commitment to my practice.” – Pam
In this workshop, you’ll learn different ways to approach your subject. By altering points of view, perspective and composition, your ability to see things differently and connect with your subject will evolve along with your skills.
Probably the most important goal in my Nature Sketchbook Workshop is not a destination (i.e., a perfect finished drawing), but learning to relish the exquisite journey you experience by allowing yourself to slow down, carefully observe and reconnect with nature.
Once you’re comfortable with the materials and have some dedicated drawing time under your belt, beautiful and interesting things will begin to happen in your sketchbook.
This class will spend as much time as possible outdoors. We will learn to keep our drawing kits lean and portable in order to work out in the field. While we do have a wonderful studio classroom to keep us grounded, your sketchbook will be your opportunity to gather observations and sketches from your time exploring and roaming the beautiful grounds of Dillman’s. Join me on the path. Let’s go see what’s out there.
Topics Covered:
- Design and composition.
- The importance of experimenting with different materials.
- Creating new habits of resourcing for future work.
- Building a sketchbook practice while reconnecting to nature.
- Observation: Seeing better helps you draw better.
- Your studio is your garden, your travels, your sketchbook.
Materials/Requirements: No materials are provided. This class is for adults of all skill levels. We will be doing some light hiking and exploring outdoors. The world is our studio. Keep you kit light and you’ll go far.
Supply List:
- Sketchbook 9 x 12 or smaller, please be sure the paper has at least 25% cotton
- Look for heavy weight watercolor or mix media paper. We are using watercolor pencils. Please do not bring drawing. You’ll be disappointed right from the start.
- A couple of my favorite sketchbooks include:
• Stillman & Birn 8 x 10 Beta or Dela series.
• Strathmore 400 series softcover workhorse of a book. - If you have a variety of watercolor papers from your collection, or a small watercolor palette and brushes bring them along as well. Although keeping our kits portable is the goal.
- Graphite drawing pencils. 6B-4H just a couple will do.
- Derwent watercolor pencils, (small collection) 12
- Peerless Watercolor Sidekick.
- Art Aquash water-brush. The brush has a vile that contains all the water you need. They come in different brush sizes so you many want a couple options.
- Open mind and curious heart.
- Backpack or bag for all your materials. Keep it portable and easy. We will be moving about with your gear.
Learn More about Pam Luer
If 12 or more students attend class (all teaching days): $450
If 11-10 students attend class (all teaching days): $500
If 9-8 students attend class (all teaching days): $580
If 7-6 students attend class (all teaching days): $725
Room & One Dinner Fee plus tax: $480
(There are 5 nights’ accommodations included in the “Room & One Dinner Fee” listed above.)
Sunday, September, 15
Check-In to your unit at Dillman’s (check-in time is 3:00)
5:00 Welcome Reception (included in package)
6:00 Dinner at Dillman’s (included in Room and Meal Package. $28 additional for day students.)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday – Sept 16-19
Breakfast On Own
9:00 a.m. – Noon Class in Session
Lunch On Own
Meals are on your own. All accommodations have cooking facilities. You may preorder box lunches and dinners for meals to be taken alone or with your group in: your studio, the lodge deck, cafe, or your accommodation. (Pre-ordering for lunches and dinners is required.)
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Class in Session
Thursday, Sept 19
9:00 a.m. – Noon Class in Session
NOON Champagne Toast & Dessert (included in package)
Lunch On Own
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Class in Session
Friday, Sept 20
Depart – check-out time is 10:00
Optional Events – Sign Up Required / Subject to Change:
Monday 5:00 p.m. Dine-Around Dinner (Depart from Lodge Lobby)
Monday 7:00 p.m. S’more Roast (no charge)
Tuesday 7:30 a.m. Yoga
Tuesday 5:00 p.m. Dine-Around Dinner (Depart from Lodge Lobby)
Wednesday Noon & 4:00 p.m. Pontoon Ride on White Sand Lake (no charge)
Wednesday 5:00 p.m. Moondeer & Friends Gallery Tour (no charge)
Wednesday 6:00 p.m. Dine-Around Dinner
Thursday 5:00 p.m. Dine-Around Dinner (Depart from Lodge Lobby)
Dine-Around Dinners: Registration required at the front desk, meet at 5:00pm in the main lobby for carpooling.
Day students are welcome to attend the Welcome Reception and Farewell Reception (included in your package). You are also invited to join the class dinners (additional fee). PAL’s (Participants at large) can vacation at Dillman’s for $40 per night for accommodations. Costs for box lunches and dinners are additional.