Fe University
Visioning Series: Responding to Nature
Jul 18 - Aug 1
3 Teaching Days
Dillman’s Creative Art Retreat is excited to announce a partnership with Fe University for three one-day courses. Registration is open to locals, day students and also guests registered at Dillman’s Bay Resort. You may register for one, two or all three of the day classes.
Visioning: Responding to Nature Through Writing, Photography and Drawing. Join beloved local Northwoods instructors to engage with nature through a creative lens.
Responding to Nature Through Writing with John Bates, July 18
Materials and Addional Information
Responding to Nature Through Photography with Gary Theisen, July 25
Materials and Addtional Information
Responding to Nature Through Drawing and Painting with Terry Daulton, August 1
Materials and Addtional Information
All classes 9 a.m.-Noon.
All classes are held at Dillman’s Creative Art Retreats location:
13277 Dillman’s Way, Lac du Flambeau, WI 54538
Pricing: $20 per class or bundle all three for $50, with $25 materials fee for drawing class.
Limit: 12 students. Registration required by July 11, 2024.
Fe University Mission Statement: The mission of Fe University is to provide quality, university-level learning experiences targeting adults ages 50 and older through diverse short courses and lectures. We provide opportunities for people to discover the joy of lifelong learning at its best without the pressure of tests, grades, or educational requirements. It is an inspiring educational program that will keep you living life and learning longer.
Fe University is an Iron County-based organization, classes are held at various locations in Iron, Vilas and Ashland County, Wisconsin.
Learn More about Fe University
Pricing: $20 per class or bundle all three for $50, with $25 materials fee for drawing & painting class.
Limit: 12 students.
Registration required by July 11, 2024.
For writing and photography, students need to bring their own supplies.
Each class is a 3-hour session. Class size is limited to 12 students. To register for the course, please visit Fe University directly.